
Self Portrait Project pt. 3

It's done and not done at the same time.

So after the last post, I went in and finished the right side. Then I spent days trying to figure out the left side.

During this process I also finished the hair. Here is my *first* finished version of the piece:

After my critique, I realized the shadows sucked, the left eye lid was too big, there were too many left eye lashes, and the background did nothing to enhance the image. So I fixed it:

I like it, but there are still a lot of thinks I want to change, but I doubt I'll have time to do. I'd like to use a bit more variety in my skin. It's very plastic looking. Part of that is due to the fact that I have a very difficult time blending with acrylic. I'd like to boost the contrast a little and add more detail. But for my first portrait, I'm pleased.

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