
Bits of my Life

I haven't updated in quite a while so I have a fair bit of material...

Life is good, and Christmassy! Lots of packages arriving. I LOVE the internet. No roaming stores for hours and finding nothing. Thanks to my student trial of Amazon prime, I get free two day shipping! 

I made Christmas cards this year, and I am actually going to send them out, I promise! 
For me, the semester is wrapping up. Last day of class is Monday, and then I'm done. No finals. All I have to do after that is attend a gallery show for my painting class that we all will have work in, and attend a studio clean-up day at which pizza will be served. 

Next weekend Shea and I will be hosting a holiday dinner party, which I'm quite excited for. I get an excuse to go all-out on decorations. Does anyone know where I can find some cat sized santa hats? 

My family has this rule where you're not allowed to buy anything for yourself between Thanksgiving and Christmas so you don't end up buying something someone already bought you. I cheated. I got these: 
Photo from Factorygirlashli

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